On Time and Biting off More than I Can Chew

I haven’t been writing here since forever. But here’s what I’ve been up to since my hiatus and their respective status as of date.

  • I’m on SEM BREAK from LAW SCHOOL.
  • Working at Mabuhay. But I’m only staying till the end of the month to concentrate on LAW SCHOOL.
  • Freelancing gig at CANVA. Because I need to make money even without my day job.
  • Still writing for The Fat Kid Inside.
  • Wrote a profile on 2015 Bar Examination 7th placer for our school paper which I enjoyed thoroughly because I got to do some actual writing.
  • The boyfriend is taking the Bar exams this month and I’m trying to help him out as much as I can.

The past few months were quite a challenge for me because I kept my day job and went to work from 7 am-2 pm and then went to school after to face recitations. For the first few weeks, I would *almost* cry every morning because I dreaded the long day ahead and all I had to do.

Towards the end, it became manageable and I considered doing it till I graduated. But I just had to draw the line somewhere. Just because I could do it doesn’t mean I have to, especially to the detriment of my social life and health.

Then I came to the realization that I take after my mom in this regard. When I was younger, I was annoyed at how busy she was and how she was such a workaholic—answering phone calls and replying to email on weekends and supposed “quality time.” To her credit, she is so efficient and can handle more than—quite possibly—four things at once.

And then I grew up to be like her.

So I’m putting a stop to this “biting-off more than I can chew” bullsht and just enjoy life’s (relatively) slow pace for once. And NO. I refuse to adhere to the “millennial doctrine of work-life blend” because I like compartmentalizing.

I’m looking forward to the status quo ante—going back to how it was before I started working three jobs and going to law school. Because I’d like to remember how it feels to have time on my hands.

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