Currently: Processing

Despite the pandemic, I’ve been busier than ever. While the rest of the world works from home, I’ve been mostly going to work on site. In fact, it’s been pretty much business as usual at work, notwithstanding the severity of the pandemic over our heads. Such is the bane of the public servant.

I am honestly tired. Not just in a physical sense but in an everything sense. My usual cheery disposition has been buckling under the circumstances—making me bitter, negative, and spiteful. It hasn’t been a good couple of weeks in general.

I retreated to my usual sanctum of words through reading and writing. This eventually brought to me to deepest of my blog archives and it made me miss writing writing.

Don’t get me wrong. I HAVE been writing. It’s all I do at work all day. But it’s not the kind that’s been good for my soul, despite the public service aspect of it.

I’ve heard that during this time, our life should be the main event. And that our work shouldn’t take that over. The thing is, it’s kind of hard to have a life right now. If you know what I mean.

And so I find purpose in the work that I do. Needless to say, it’s been a blur of a year without any real sense of anything. So I ramble on trying to find meaning…

It’s an ongoing endeavor.

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