5 Essentials for A Hassle-Free Rainy Day Commute

There’s nothing I hate more than leaving the office and getting drenched AND stuck in traffic (with wet foot wear. The WORST!).

This is when being a girl scout lugging that oversized bag every single day totally pays off. Make sure you have these on tow for a less-stressful commute home. While we can’t do anything about the traffic just yet, at least you’re sure to have dry feet in the bus, car, or train going home.

Foldable Umbrella


Whether it’s rainy or sunny, be sure to have a right sized foldable umbrella that fits snugly in your everyday carryall.

This Unica Hija foldable umbrella is perfect for me because of its simple and sleek design. White with an orange band (which also comes in a nice shade of teal), it can go well with any outfit. Just because an umbrella is a functional item doesn’t mean it has to clash with everything you own.

I got my Unica Hija umbrella for free when I purchased a minimum of P2,500.00 only! Talk about shopping with benefits.



For extra protection against the rain, a raincoat will do the trick. Not only will wearing it keep you warm and dry during your ride home, it will also decrease your chances of getting sick since there’s nothing worse for your immune system than wearing wet clothes in a cold vehicle.

Extra Footwear


Like I said before, there’s nothing worst that suffering in traffic in wet foot wear! While I usually keep rain boots at the office for sudden downpours, sometimes the rain comes when you’re already out of the office and halfway down your commute. So a extra pair of flats or flip flops has you covered for a dry and comfortable commute the rest of the way home.



An essential practically every day of your millennial life, a powerbank a multi-purpose tool that keep you either entertained during your commute or wired to Waze, Uber, Grab, or whatever app you’re using to get home. For me, I use it more to keep myself entertained and play Pokemon Go. Best to make use of the traffic to hatch some eggs!

Water Bottle and Snacks


With the traffic these days, you never know how long you’ll be out on the road so it’s important to keep a water bottle and a snack handy. With the stress of a rainy-day commute, you don’t need to add being “hangry” to that.

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