Last Minute Christmas Gift List

It’s a few days before Christmas and I’m sure a lot of us aren’t done with our Christmas shopping yet!

To help you out with any last minute Christmas shopping errands, here are a few ideas that will ease the holiday shopping rush.

Tote Bag


This versatile tote from Unica Hija is fashionable and functional to boot. Yours for a minimum single receipt purchase worth Php 3,500 on regular items, it’s a dual purpose gift.

You get to buy all your party clothes or gifts and get a gift for yourself or for others for free. Now isn’t that fantastic, not to mention really convenient? And with a classic design that’s available in red, beige, pink, gray, and black, it’s the perfect gift for your sister, mom, or for yourself.



Now who doesn’t love socks? With a lot of designs available in the market, I’m sure you won’t run out of designs to choose from. Besides, I don’t think anyone can have too many socks, right?

I like fun printed ones that shows off some personality. Ankle length please!



I don’t know about you but I’m a book lover. I have so many books that I’ve run out of shelf space and some of my books are piled on the floor.

Now, that’s no way of treating your books, right? So I’m always on the lookout for quirky bookends to make sure my beloved books are organized. This one from Quirks are a great pick for your book-loving friend as well, don’t you think?



While we’re on the subject anyway, I don’t think one can have too many books. So I always appreciate books as gifts. And I think just about any bookworm will feel the same.

To add a personalized touch, choose a book you think they’d enjoy. Write a short handwritten message on the first page and I’m sure the bookworm in your life will appreciate it. Plus points if you can get a nice worn out copy from the book sale or thrift shop.



Gone are the days when coffee or water tumblers only come in a boring black or gray. Now, they come in all sorts of designs and prints. And with so many to choose from in the market, I’m sure you’ll find one that’s perfect for your gift-ee.

I like this one from Starbucks. The design is colorful and perfect for the girly girl in your life.

Hope this list help you! If you have any more holiday rush gift ideas, share it with us. Happy Holidays!

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