On Profiles and a Short Update

So I haven’t been writing here at all since 2015. Well, 2016, if you count the past two paid posts I’ve written.

Here’s what’s been up:

  • I didn’t get to graduate from law school.
  • I resigned from working for Erwan because I couldn’t handle the work considering law school. Besides, he deserves an actual full-time employee.
  • I realized I needed to keep working to support myself.
  • So I am currently still employed in Corp Comm for a multi-national company.
  • I am about to graduate for real this time.
  • I am also scared as shit as I don’t know how to review and work at the same time.

Since I didn’t graduate, I am still writing for our law school publication. And I’m so glad that I still have that as a creative outlet. While I have my go-tos and staples when I’m writing about food or travel, there’s something about writing about an actual person that requires more precision, creativity, more of writing writing. 

If you know what I mean.

There’s just something about when a person lets you in their world. You start to care about what they care about and see what they’re all about. You just want to write about that experience, tell the world about this wonderful person, and give them justice to through your words.

Right? Right?

Anyway, all this talk is brought to you by my recent interview with the newly-appointed Supreme Court Justice, Samuel Martires.

And I am about to interview another person for another client. Preps for this other  interview just got me all riled up about writing profiles.

On this note, maybe I really should have been a journalist than a lawyer. I just don’t ever see myself ever feeling this way about writing a pleading.

Stay tuned. Or you know, not.

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