On Being a Mentor

For the past 6 years of law school, I’ve left two supervisory/managerial roles where I had to manage people. I find it very fulfilling when my juniors are always very grateful to me and even say that I’m their mentor. I never mean to “mentor” anybody at work (I don’t think I’m qualified to be one yet) but if they pick something up from me that will help their careers and personal development, I know I’ve done my job well.

As I leave another job to pursue a path I’m reluctant to take (I’m taking the Bar exams), I hope to leave a mark in the hearts of people I’ve worked with. I may not have climbed the corporate ladder as I’ve wanted but I know I’ve been successful when your colleagues say they’ve learned a lot from you.

For those only starting their careers, I hope you find someone at work to look up to. More than title or their achievements, I hope you find someone both compassionate, driven, and has a strong sense of self and values amidst a toxic corporate (or even legal) milieu.

For those who have been working a while, I hope you never lose your idealism and values because it’s infectious. If you feel lost because you think you’re going nowhere in your career, find purpose in being an older and wiser person for someone at work. It worked for me. Hey, maybe it will also work for you.

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